Friday, May 22, 2009

And It All Starts With A Song

As I enter into expressing my views publicly,  specifically because of my friend and fellow photographer Fred Mitchell, the first thing I am reminded of is the song I'm On A Boat. It makes me think of slavery and every time I hear it... I hear in my head: "I'm on a boat, (a slave boat), I'm on a boat, (a slave boat), everybody look at me 'cause I'm standing on a boat. Thankfully when I sing it aloud, like I hear it in my head, my friends and my roommate laugh and sing along. Wait... should I really be thankful for that since it's not exactly "Politically Correct"? I'm sure Hank Willis Thomas might find it amusing at least for a while though. Well, he would probably turn it into a "mass market" art project about black men being exploited by "white people", but he might laugh a little. 


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